Currently: July 2017

READING Wonderland Creek by Lynn Austin. Also recently finished re-reading Lord of the Rings after several years. Just as good as ever! My summer reading list includes revisiting several childhood favorites…must be feeling nostalgic!
DREAMING of a shared room for little girls. McBaby #3 is a GIRL and I’m Pinteresting all the pretty room decor ideas for girls. So fun!
ACCOMPLISHING just enough. A few recent health interruptions (read: 1st trimester nausea/fatigue and stress-related gastritis) are reminding me to slow down and focus on priorities. My freelance work keeps me busy during allotted work hours — both DS and DD are in preschool 3 mornings a week, so those hours plus naptimes add up to 20 or 22 hours a week, which is plenty considering some other important claims on my time. I’ve withdrawn from several “extracurricular” and nonprofit activities, and haven’t been working as much in the evenings (primarily because I fall asleep so early!). I’ve had some pretty work-heavy phases of life, and may have more in store, but right now is for focusing on my family and giving myself permission to do that has really made all the difference.
ENJOYING these warm summer days. The winter can be long and harsh in northwestern Indiana, so much so that summer seems a distant memory on those cold, snowy days. I’m soaking up the sunshine and many chances to play outside, eat picnic-style, swim, walk and enjoy warm-weather activities in general, storing up for when winter feels especially long!
REMEMBERING a week spent with family in southern Georgia. Our annual family reunion is a special time for reconnecting with extended family, and this year I got to spend some rare time with all three of my wonderful sisters. It’s been harder to get us all together in the same place in the last few years, and this was a perfect chance to catch up and enjoy each other’s company. It’s always refreshing and encouraging to be in the company of those who know you best.
LISTENING to some old favorites Andrew Belle and Among Savages, in anticipation of their soon-to-be released new albums!
PLANNING to welcome a new baby in the fall! Really haven’t had much to do thus far, since we already have plenty of clothing and gear to accommodate another child, but gearing myself up mentally for the task of caring for three children. Newborns are great because they mostly stay still and are consistently in need of pretty much the same three things: food, sleep, clean diapers. My concern is the other two… but reminding myself that God is faithful and His mercies new each morning. Looking forward to adapting to our new normal, one day at a time!
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