Love Grows

Isn’t it funny how, mere hours after giving birth to a new little human being, you can hardly remember what life was like without them? It is one of the miracles and blessings of parenthood that love expands exponentially to accommodate the joys and responsibilities of caring for another unique soul. I’ll admit this was one of my fears before Moira arrived — would I feel the same way for her as I do for my son, my firstborn? First-time parenthood is such an overwhelming experience, emotionally and physically, it was hard to imagine that I would have the capacity to double that experience. While I am still challenged by the physicality of having more than one child (there’s just not enough hands!), I have absolutely no doubt regarding a mother’s capacity to love more than one person equally. It is simultaneously astonishing and matter-of-fact: my love is not perfect like God’s is, but “we love because He first loved us.”

Yet, when compared to my meager love for two children, it brings me to my knees to even begin to imagine the amazing capacity God has to perfectly love ALL of His children. So much so that He came to earth to save us from ourselves. THAT is Love.

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