Currently: January 2019
Reading: Thorn in My Heart by Liz Curtis Higgs I actually won a free copy of this book through a random drawing at our local library over the summer. I’ve…
2018 Year In Review
It basically feels like the last month of 2018 didn’t happen, December was such a blur. Maybe it’s the build-up to Christmas, especially with young children, that makes it feels…
All the Updates
Life has been so busy lately, I haven’t had much time to focus on writing posts — so an update is needed! Lots has happened since the summer (time has…
Master Bath Reveal
Here it is! Our beautiful new Master Bathroom! We were able to start using it in late July, but there were a few little things that had to be finished…
2018 Summer Reading List
As mentioned in my previous post (Currently: May 2018), I’ve put together a Summer Reading List to help me get a few more books under my belt during the “summer…
Clean Makeup Updates
It’s been several months since my initial post about my new all-natural makeup routine, but I’ve added a few items to my kit, so I wanted to share! Top of…
Currently: May 2018
Here we are almost finished with May and I’m just trying to keep up! Spring has blossomed into full-blown summer heat here in northern Indiana, and we are soaking it…
Reagan Margaret: 6 Months
It’s hard to believe that 6 months has gone by since Reagan joined our family… but there you have it! Half a year gone in the blink of an eye….
Currently: April 2018
Enjoying I’m back on board the meal planning train, after several interruptions, and looking forward to salad season! I had a good routine going with meal planning and grocery shopping…
Fun, Frustrating, Flexible: The Life of a Work-From-Home Mom
It is hard to believe that nearly two years have passed since my life changed drastically, bringing about some of the best changes one could ask for, with the birth…