Currently: January 2019

Reading: Thorn in My Heart by Liz Curtis Higgs

I actually won a free copy of this book through a random drawing at our local library over the summer. I’ve tried to start it a couple times but keep getting distracted, primarily, I’ll admit, due to the fact that it’s a hardcopy book and not on my Kindle app! *shame* I do so much on my phone or laptop these days, it’s actually harder to sit down and read a book, especially in the evening when I typically fall asleep with iPhone in hand. *double shame* So, this one has been a slow start, but I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s basically a re-telling of the Jacob and Esau story set in 18th century Scotland (Outlander vibes anyone!?) — I’m intrigued by how the author has framed this familiar Biblical story, and excited to continue reading through the series!
Planning: Ballerina 3rd Birthday Party
I can’t believe my Moira will be 3 years old this month… times just
I’m also feeling semi-inspired by her sudden interest to attempt some ballet-based workouts. I follow @balletbeautiful on Instagram and I love the look of her workouts, but not quite sold on the monthly fee. So, I’m checking out some free options on my Prime Video account, like this one!
Listening: Delta by Mumford & Sons

Somehow I missed that this album came out in November, and just listened for the first time yesterday. WOW. Love it. I wasn’t in love with their 3rd album, it felt too far off their original sound. But this latest album is a fantastic combination of the folksy banjo style plus the new electronic/rock vibe and it really works. The lyrics are just as interesting as the layered musical palette, and it all comes together for a really unique and irresistible sound. I’ll be listening on repeat for the new few weeks!
Anticipating: Las Vegas Getaway
Not sure if this one isn’t causing me more anxiety than excitement at the moment, but I think I’m looking forward to it
I’ve never been to Las Vegas, and it will certainly be a nice break from the doldrums of a Midwestern winter, but I’ll admit I’m already anxious about leaving my 3 children behind for 5 days and 4 nights (look who’s counting…?!?!). I know they will be in good hands with my in-laws, but it still feels like a really long time. I’ve only ever been away from all three of them once, for one night. That was just a couple weeks ago and it was a struggle. In the long term, they will probably have an amazing time with their grandparents and won’t be permanently scarred by being away from me for a few days (HA!), so I’m trying to prepare myself for some relaxation and reconnecting with the hubs. Pray for me. 😉
Attempting: KonMari Method
I’ve been purging and “minimalizing” for a while now (it’s an ongoing process), and have recently
Rather than collecting and tidying things in our homes—even if they do “spark joy” as Marie would say—we are called to “…store up treasures in heaven” and focus on that which truly lasts. Which brings this full circle to my Word of the Year: Delight. There are plenty of things in this life that “spark joy” and, in some cases, even delight. But, if that sense of delight is caused by an earthly thing, then it is false and short-lived. It may feel very real and nice at the moment, but it can’t last and shouldn’t be relied upon for joy in life. Real and lasting delight comes from the Lord. The things He has given us are often blessings, and they should do little more than
“For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” 1 Timothy 6:7-8
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