Mother’s Day Gifts (to myself)

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, so I wanted to do a post about the things that have been boosting me lately in my motherhood journey. These are gifts that I give myself on a regular basis — not really as rewards, but more just as the simple pleasures of life that help make the day/week more enjoyable. I’m not a big fan of the idea of “self care” since it seems like a servant heart is a lot harder to achieve and therefore needs more attention… but I digress. These items are part of my regular routine and, especially in the post-partum routine, are generally an easy way to help me feel like myself.

I don’t consider myself a wine connoisseur, but I certainly do enjoy drinking it! Especially in the weeks and months following pregnancy, it’s a nice treat to get back to drinking a glass (or two) whenever I want. A few wine subscription services have been popping up in my social media feeds lately, so I’ve taken the opportunity to try some new varietals through these services. I’ve discovered a few new favorites thanks to Brightcellars and Winc! Use my member link below to earn rewards for both of us:

Natural Home & Beauty Products
I’ve done a few posts about why using natural and non-toxic beauty products is important to me, and especially as I find less time to put on a full face of makeup each day. What I do use, I want to be effective and skin-friendly! I’ve found the Honest Beauty products to be a good balance of a product that works well and is also low in harmful chemicals and toxins. I really like the Everything Cream Foundation (it suits my skin type and is very affordable)!
A good face cream and mascara can go a long way toward helping me feel put together on most days. I’m always researching products that I can add to my routine that will pack a punch, and especially one that has anti-aging properties… all of the sudden, those forehead wrinkles are making a surge appearance!
I also love a fresh scented candle in the house and a soy-based nontoxic version is definitely the way to go.
- Honest Beauty Extreme Length Mascara + Lash Primer
- Thena Calm Ultra Hyrdrating Anti-Aging Moisturizer
- Home+Decor Toasted Vanilla Candle

Potted Plants / Succulents
(e.g. easy-to-care-for plants, better than a bouquet)
I definitely do not have a green thumb, and shy away from most gardening or plant care as just one more thing on the list to take care of (I have enough on my plate right now)! But succulents or any member of the cactus family are simple — they don’t require intensive daily or even weekly care, maybe a spritz of water here and there, and that’s my style. I found these live succulents on Amazon and will be adding them to my very short list of live decor very soon!
Along the same lines as a wine, coffee is a daily treat (read: necessity) that I indulge in — for the caffeine as well as the flavor. I drink my coffee black most days, and I prefer it brewed strong. I’ve start mixing my own grounds to create a half-caff blend… primarily so I can drink more without the jitters! I haven’t found a subscription service I want to invest in (yet), but this would be a fantastic self gift for the future! I’m particularly interested in global coffee brands that are fair trade, like this one which offers a selection of regular or decaf:

Fun Fashion
I’m still a big fan of capsule wardrobes for each season, and I’m starting to embrace a more casual WAHM (work-at-home-mom) style that is a comfy combo of athleisure plus pretty. Graphic tees are starting to become a part of that style, especially as the weather warms up, and this t-shirt in particular is one I want to add to my collection! My children call me Mama, and I have 4 now… so it seems fitting. 🙂

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