September Desktop Calendar: The Small Things

We’re only most of the way through September, so the calendar still works, right?? It’s been a busy month with work, social events and just general homemaking duties, so I’m just trying to take it all in stride. My calendars (yes, plural, I have about 5 of them and yes, I duplicate my plans on all of them… it’s the only way I can remember) are full and it certainly makes the time fly. But I’m not complaining! One of my favorite seasons is upon us, and it seems like Autumn rushes towards Christmas faster and faster each year. So, I’m trying to savor all the joys of fall–including plenty of pumpkin spice lattes–and enjoy the transition from flip-flops and shorts to skinny jeans and ankle boots!

As I’m enjoying all the wonderful things this season has to offer, I’m also remembering all the potential the coming months hold and trying to keep my focus on what matters most. This month’s calendar is inspired by the idea of excelling in the little things: the day-to-day matters that keep our household running, our relationships growing, our faith working. God works in little things, even as His plans for us are big, bigger than we can imagine, requiring daily faithfulness, regular sacrifice and consistent pursuit of His will. So I’ll leave you with the calendars that I hope will serve as a reminder of our daily calling (2 Corinthians 4:16), and this quote from Elisabeth Elliot:

“Think of the self that God has given as an acorn. It is a marvelous little thing, a perfect shape, perfectly designed for its purpose, perfectly functional. Think of the grand glory of an oak tree. God’s intention when He made the acorn was the oak tree. His intention for us is ‘… the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.’ Many deaths must go into our reaching that measure, many letting-goes. When you look at the oak tree, you don’t feel that the loss’ of the acorn is a very great loss. The more you perceive God’s purpose in your life, the less terrible the losses seem.”

Autumn Floral Illustration by

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