Adventures Await in August

SOOooooooo I wrote this over a month ago and then never posted it because… I forgot. But you can read it now. 🙂

August is a big month around here. This month holds not only my birthday, but also my husband’s birthday, and our anniversary. As one would expect, these celebrations tend to merge into a single big event, rather than multiple, smaller events, but I like to think of the entire month as one long party. August has always been a time of excitement for me — preparations for a new school year, a new season, a new age… It may be the eighth month of the year, but August is almost like my own personal “New Year”! It signifies a season of new beginnings, even as the world around me is heading towards autumn.

This year marks my 29th (!) birthday, and with it comes lot of contemplation. The last year of my twenties. Some would say the end of an era… but, for me, it is simply another beginning. The start of a new age full of plans and potential. I am toying with the idea of a “30 before 30” bucket list, but considering my tendency to leave lists unfinished (read: New Year’s Resolutions), I may just forego the unnecessary pressure and enjoy every day as it comes.

What adventures await you as summer comes to an end and fall brings its own brand of seasonal specialties?







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