Welcome to a new year (and a new blog design)!
2010 flew by, but I was more ready for 2011 than I expected. Ready for a clean slate, fresh start…. even though it’s all really just a mental thing. We see January 1st as the start of something new because the calendar says so. Because that is the arbitrary date set for the beginning of a new calendar year. In truth, every day is a new day, a chance to be better than the last. Every Sunday the start to a new week, inspired and encouraged by Sabbath worship. That is my number one resolution for this new year: to live in each day with full awareness of the present, complete attention to giving my best effort, and acknowledgment of God’s grace that has given me the chance to enjoy life in His creation for yet another day. If you’re really interested, you can read my Proviso for a New Year’s Revolution.
If not, here are my less-revolutionary New Year’s resolutions:
*This covers a variety of concepts, including but not limited to cooking, cleaning, organizing, decorating and maintaining a general environment of comfort and joy.
Currently Listening:
Sleeping at Last, January EP
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