Poetry for Fall

The change in seasons always seems to inspire me, and a sudden drop in temperatures this past weekend has spurred on a sense of autumnal ebullience. Thanks to the gift of a beautiful book of devotional poetry (The Soul in Paraphrase, Leland Ryken) for my birthday in August, I’ve been re-reading old favorites and discovering some new. Here are a few, especially inspired by the season… and by the sense of anticipation for renewal that comes with it. Spring and Fall Gerard Manley Hopkins To a young child Márgarét, áre you gríevingOver Goldengrove unleaving?Leáves like the things of man, youWith your fresh thoughts care for, can you?Ah! ás the heart grows olderIt will come to such sights colderBy and by, nor spare a sighThough worlds…

Currently Reading: Books at my Bedside

My current reading list (and attention span) waxes and wanes with the seasons, but I’ve never let go of the habit of bygone school days that required reading an assigned list of books through the summer months. I suppose this post will have to count as my “report”. My stack this summer is inspired by gifted volumes as well as several I picked up at the local used book store. One of those pick-ups, The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearlsey, was completed during a recent road trip and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I love discovering a new author who is prolific — Kearsley has penned several historical fiction novels that I’m sure I will enjoy in years to come. These titles are ordered below according…

Currently: June 2019

Well, apparently this is turning into a bi-yearly update… I can’t believe it’s June and nearly 6 months since my last post! I do have two draft posts (from February and April), but since they haven’t been published at this point, I suppose those unfinished strands of thought will remain in the Draft box for perpetuity. Needless to say, work, family life, and community obligations have been keeping me more than busy, and sitting down to write a brief post has fallen off the deep end of my to-do list. But, I can’t complain. Our busy-ness revolves around good things: growing children, thriving business ventures, and cultivating genuine relationships. Not to say that life is without struggle or setback at this stage of the game,…

Current Beauty Regimen

Somewhere in between 25 and 30, I hit my stride with a beauty routine that worked well. I had never worn a lot of makeup in high school or college, but during my time in corporate job(s), I was layering it on pretty much every day of the week. So, I guess I figured out what worked best for me. But then life changed and the daily make-up routine wasn’t totally necessary. These days, I wear makeup about 35% of the time, primarily for church on Sundays or other special occasions). But there are often week days when I have a client meeting or just want to feel put together, and I’ve fallen into a new makeup routine that I’m hoping will carry me through…

10 Days in a Carry-On

Our trip to Las Vegas and Atlanta is about two weeks away, and I’m starting to think through the most efficient way to pack for 10+ days of travel that includes a variety of events and dressing styles (from travel days to wedding receptions)! Building digital capsule wardrobes is a bit of a creative game for me — sort of like some people do sudoku or crosswords to keep their brain working, I like to create outfit or mood boards. Like this one from last spring or these ones for my kids. It’s a fun and practical way to figure out how to utilize what’s already in my closet, or determine what else I need to purchase to fit a seasonal, event-related or style need….