Currently Reading: Books at my Bedside

My current reading list (and attention span) waxes and wanes with the seasons, but I’ve never let go of the habit of bygone school days that required reading an assigned list of books through the summer months. I suppose this post will have to count as my “report”. My stack this summer is inspired by gifted volumes as well as several I picked up at the local used book store. One of those pick-ups, The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearlsey, was completed during a recent road trip and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I love discovering a new author who is prolific — Kearsley has penned several historical fiction novels that I’m sure I will enjoy in years to come.

These titles are ordered below according to the photo (bottom to top), but not the order in which I’m reading them… I tend to read multiple books at once, picking up one or another based on my mood. But these are all currently close at hand…

Psalms for Trials by Lindsey Tollefson

This book was written by my cousin and gifted to me by my grandmother. It has become a fantastic reference and devotional for me this summer, encouraging me to stay in the Word and pray consistently using the Psalms. Lindsey’s brief yet poignant summaries of various sections of the Psalms are convicting and uplifting.

Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard

I’ve only just started this one, and I don’t typically enjoy parenting books, but it was recently mentioned to me by a fellow mom so I’m going to keep pushing through.

Lamb in His Bosom by


Wanderer of the Wasteland

Home to Holly Springs

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