Favorite Fall ’15 Fashions
Fall is one of my favorite seasons for fashion (and alliteration apparently). The temperatures are just cool enough to add an extra layer or two without bulking up… and those…
September Desktop Calendar: The Small Things
We’re only most of the way through September, so the calendar still works, right?? It’s been a busy month with work, social events and just general homemaking duties, so I’m…
Pantone Color of the Year: Marsala
I don’t generally think of myself as a pink-wearing kinda lady (just never thought it worked with my skin-tone), but this is a color I can hop on board with….
Crazy Busy Good
There are so many great things to do in this wonderful life, and lately my schedule has been full of them. In the last few weeks, my To Do list…
23 weeks, 4 days
For anyone who’s wondering about the bump… (taken in the bathroom at work… classy, I know) Also, spent nearly two hours deep cleaning our refrigerator today… nesting anyone?
Fall Fashion – Blueberry+Wine
The inspiration for this outfit is definitely the gorgeous multi-colored scarf from World Market. I’m loving the combination of burnt orange, magenta, pink and that rich, royal blue (I’m calling…
Nursery Design
I’ve been contemplating nursery ideas pretty much since I found out I was pregnant — it’s only natural, right? Decorating our home is a fun hobby (and I consider decorating…
What I Wore: Summer Maternity Style
Summer doesn’t ever come slowly in Chicago. It always smacks you right in the face with a 99-degree day in the middle of July. It stays cold and rainy from…
Keeping Up Appearances
Back in April, a friend and I hosted a women’s only, 2-day seminar on the subject of beauty, health and appearances. We were inspired by a webinar from the Botkin…
Pretty Lady
I took some headshots of my lovely younger sister while visiting the fam in Georgia a couple weekends ago. She is currently working as a culinary professional, but is also…