Crazy Busy Good

There are so many great things to do in this wonderful life, and lately my schedule has been full of them. In the last few weeks, my To Do list has included…

  • Trip to Georgia to visit family — photos to come!
  • Doing make-up at a church Ladies Luncheon
  • Planning, hosting and enjoying a Girls Night In
  • Wisdom teeth removal (and recovery…not fun)
  • Teaching a painting class to 13 highschoolers (i.e. “Coke & Canvas”)
  • New freelance projects galore, including a blog redesign for Cara over at FitBusyFemale (stay tuned for updates!)
  • Planning a first birthday party (1 year already?!?)
  • Meals with family & friends
  • Early morning coffee and watching the sun rise over freshly-fallen snow (I wax poetic…)
  • Watching snippets of holiday movies on Hallmark Channel and getting so excited for Christmas/Advent season
  • Cleaning house over and over again, and bemoaning a broken dryer
And that’s just last week! The coming weeks will be filling with birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations… what a wonderful time of year! 2014 has been filled with so much joy and blessings for us, and there is no better time to reflect on how grateful I am for these things.

Whenever I sit down to write a post like this, I always feel like I could be better about posting more often, keeping better track of the myriad things happening each day. Especially as Cormac’s first year comes to a close… 

But then I remember how busy I’ve been just living it all, and I realize that is more than enough. 🙂

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