
Kids Capsule Wardrobes

The concept of a capsule wardrobe works particularly well for children, who tend to outgrow their clothes every 3-6 months and need different items depending on the varying seasons. Summer…

Currently: July 2017

READING Wonderland Creek by Lynn Austin. Also recently finished re-reading Lord of the Rings after several years. Just as good as ever! My summer reading list includes revisiting several childhood…

Am I There Yet?

When I was young (like, elementary school young), being in my thirties sound so old. Practically middle aged. Only parents are in their thirties. Being in your thirties means you’re…

Midwinter Poetry

Janus Fog lies thick over sodden ground —a curtain of winter whites —drawn close around the barren trees,muffling would-be sound and sightof a gray January morning. The year is new….

Fav Mom Gifts

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, Christmas as an adult is different. Especially when you have children of your own. The focus shifts, it’s definitely not about…