Currently: June 2019

Well, apparently this is turning into a bi-yearly update… I can’t believe it’s June and nearly 6 months since my last post! I do have two draft posts (from February and April), but since they haven’t been published at this point, I suppose those unfinished strands of thought will remain in the Draft box for perpetuity.
Needless to say, work, family life, and community obligations have been keeping me more than busy, and sitting down to write a brief post has fallen off the deep end of my to-do list. But, I can’t complain. Our busy-ness revolves around good things: growing children, thriving business ventures, and cultivating genuine relationships. Not to say that life is without struggle or setback at this stage of the game, but, the Lord has been gracious and we have much for which to thank Him.
So, just in the way of updates, here is what keeps me occupied in the spare moments, few and far between though they be.
Currently Reading:

The Winter Sea, Susanna Kearsley
I picked up this book in a local used bookstore based on the cover and the brief description on the back — I find it hard to resist a historical fiction based in Scotland! So far, it’s a good read and I’m glad to have discovered a new author I enjoy.

Psalms for Trials, Lindsey Tollefson
Lindsey’s beautifully composed devotionals center around the Psalms, how we can pray through them regularly and integrate them into our daily walk to grow closer in relationship with God. I’m enjoying savoring Scripture as I read through this book which stays on my nightstand.
Currently Listening:

Feel the Night, Strahan
This album came out 4 years ago, but this is the first I’m hearing of Strahan and I’m glad to have discovered his music! This EP offers a dreamy unified sound with beautifully harmonized vocals that pair perfectly with more raw acoustic elements featuring worshipful lyrics that are not trite or overdone. Best listened to in a single sitting.

Moment of Bliss, Katie Herzig
I’ve listened to Katie Herzig a lot over the years, and the upbeat dance/pop synth of her latest album (2018) is super fun, addictive listening. Her unique vocals and beautifully produced tracks create a distinctive sound that is easy to listen to over and over.

Currently Loving: (Thrifted) Summer Styles
The seasonal closet shift is always fun, especially when it means clearing out unworn or outdated styles and picking out new pieces! I’ve been wearing these Walmart rose gold sandals nonstop and getting lots of compliments. They are super comfortable and so affordable, I won’t feel bad wearing them out this summer. I’ve also picked up some pretty sundresses at the local consignment store and Goodwill that I’ve already been wearing as the weather warms up. Thrift store shopping is all about the hunt for me, and I love finding a pretty piece at a great price!
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