2018 Summer Reading List

As mentioned in my previous post (Currently: May 2018), I’ve put together a Summer Reading List to help me get a few more books under my belt during the “summer break”. I use quotes because it’s not really too different from the other months of the year, aside from warmer weather and a few more outdoor activities with the kiddos. But my workload rarely, if ever, slows down and with Cormac and Moira in summer camp three mornings a week, our schedule will stay similar to the school year. With the exception of Thursday and Friday for my “Summer Adventure” schedule (more on that later!), we’ll be trying to maintain our routine of work, play, and plenty of NAPS this summer. 🙂
Here’s what I’ve got planned for my reading list..
Good and Angry: Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining, and Bitterness
by David Powlison
This one is a bit outside the norm for me, as I tend to prefer fiction over nonfiction. But we’re reading this in the adult Sunday School class at church, and I’m looking forward to drawing some encouragement and lessons from it over the next several weeks. So far, it’s been incredibly helpful in identifying my own “anger style” and getting to the root of my anger triggers — the why and wherefore of what sets me off. I’m finding that it’s mostly rooted in my own selfishness, and I think that’s a good starting point for resolving “bad” anger and working towards “good” anger.
At the Mercy of Tiberius
by Augusta Evans Wilson
Augusta Jane (Evans) Wilson is one of my favorite authors. As a woman writing in the late 19th century South (before, during and after the Civil War), her perspective is uniquely and representative of what now seems to be a niche historical approach. Her novels center around the lives of women during this time and these sweeping dramas were very popular at the time of publication. They seem to have disappeared from the library shelves these days, but are available on Kindle and I’ve enjoyed hunting down vintage copies for my own collection. This is one of the few of hers I haven’t read, and one of the few hard copies I’ll be reading this summer!
by L.M. Montgomery
I love re-reading books from my childhood, and experiencing anew the wonder and of a beloved story. L.M. Montgomery is one of those classic authors whose works are ageless, and the Emily of New Moon series is one that I actually haven’t read yet! Looking forward to re-entering Montgomery’s captivating world as I meet a new heroine. And isn’t that cover enchanting? I’m LOVING this story so far and, as the cover promised, the story and its heroine are truly enchanting.
In His Steps
by Charles Sheldon
In the spring, I read Born to Serve by Charles Sheldon and was captivated by the historical context and spiritual subplot of the this story. In His Steps is the more popular of Sheldon’s works, but I’m glad I was able to start with another of his publications first. Wikipedia says, “First published in 1896, the book has sold more than 30,000,000 copies, and ranks as one of the best-selling books of all time.” I really find myself drawn to authors from this era, especially Christian fiction, as it’s generally easy to pick up and put down (since my reading times can be sporadic) and it’s usually inspirational or relevant to my specific struggles or experiences in life right now — even several decades later!
The Nightingale
by Kristin Hannah
I’ve seen this one on several other summer reading recommendation lists, and seems like it will be right up my alley. I also like knowing that the author has other books published — that’s usually a good sign and also means I’ll have more to enjoy if I like this first one.
I have several more half-started books on my nightstand that I’d like to plow through…but they’ve been there for months! I’ll have to do another update at the end of the summer and we’ll see if I make any progress on those. 🙂
What are YOU reading this summer?
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