The Season for Slowing Down

Reagan is my second “holiday baby” (born during the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas) and there really isn’t a better time of year to have a newborn. Work and school schedules tend to be winding down as the year comes to a close, family and friends are gathering near, and a general feeling of wellbeing seems to persist during this special time of year. Celebrating the arrival of a new child is especially precious as we mark the season of Advent and rejoice in remembering the birth of the Christ child.

But when you’re so used to running at top speed, trying to get as much accomplished in every single day as humanly possible–parenting, freelance work, housekeeping–the addition of another little life to care for can become overwhelming. And when you try to juggle too many balls at once, they all come tumbling down. I’m so thankful that I’ve had the help of my mother who came to stay for a couple weeks after Reagan was born (technically, a couple days before, and that was a wonderful help, too!) and her assistance and advice has helped ease my transition to mother of three and keep my juggling balls in the air. But as I begin the first full week on my own (not to discount the parenting skills of Patrick, but at least during the day I’m on my own), I am reminding myself that it’s ok to SLOW. DOWN.

Not everything has to get done today. The important things are obvious: take care of my children, give them the attention they need right now. This season won’t last forever, and it is a precious one worth savoring. During this time of year especially, I have good reason to take it slow and take advantage of the good graces of

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