Currently: April 2018

I’m back on board the meal planning train, after several interruptions, and looking forward to salad season! I had a good routine going with meal planning and grocery shopping that was interrupted last spring when early pregnancy nausea made pretty much everything unappealing. By fall, the kiddos had a new school schedule and my previous routine for grocery shopping was thrown to the wayside. And then Reagan arrived and it’s taken me till now to feel like I have a handle on things again! That being said, I always feel better when I know what to expect (not just when it comes to cooking) and having a set meal plan for week nights is key to keeping our household running smoothly. I’m still fine-tuning an appropriate array of meals that are enjoyable for the whole family (husbands and toddlers are tough to please!), but I’m still using the Mealime app and find that to be very helpful when it comes to planning, shopping and cooking.
I consistently have at least 3 books on my Kindle app that I’m actively reading (plus a few dog-eared paperbacks on my nightstand), so there are always stories filtering through my brain. It is both relaxing and inspirational for me to indulge in fictional adventures. But I’ll readily admit that there are times when I should pick up the Bible to read and study, instead of the latest historical fiction or fairy tale on my list. Prayerful meditation can happen any time, without any books, but to help guide my intention I’ve found a short and sweet prayer journal to work through over the next few months. I also purchased the companion sermon notes and Bible study journals (thanks Amazon!) — I do so love a pretty journal.
I’ll be hosting a baby shower for a second-time mom in our church who found out she is expecting twins! While I’ve hosted plenty of other events in the last several years, I’ve never solo hosted a shower… so Pinterest here I come! In all honesty, it will likely be a simple affair and, if nothing else, it’s kicking my spring cleaning in high gear. The key to hosting a successful event in one’s home is a warm sense of hospitality. Nothing has to be perfect; guests probably won’t remember the outdated kitchen cabinets or the worn-down couch cushions. A simple menu, artfully displayed, and a tidy atmosphere is an easy way to make guests feel welcome. And, by the way, tidy doesn’t mean spotless. A smudge here or there says “lived in” — and that’s exactly what our home is.
Brave New World – Amanda Cook
I’ll admit, I’m the kind of person who judges a book by its cover (I’m a designer, can you blame me?). The same goes for music. This album cover caught my attention, and the music lived up to the imagery — imaginative, wistful and worshipful. This album has become the soundtrack to my life the last few weeks and the intent of the music really hits home:
This album represents a voyage – a voyage of discovering that God has been on our side all along and that He has given us permission to wrestle with truth, process pain, and ask big questions. This album is a reminder that along our pilgrimage there is invitation to be transformed by perfect Love.
Spring! It’s always a bit slow coming here in the Midwest, and we’ve had snow the last few days, but it will be here soon! The crocuses in our front yard are popping up through the gravel and the birds are coming out of hiding. That may have more to do with that fact that I just re-filled the two bird-feeders on our back deck after a long winter… The temperatures will catch up soon enough and, in the meantime, I’m enjoying the opportunity to freshen up the house with flowers and all things spring!
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