Getting Organized for 2018

I love the start of a new year…. a fresh look on all the goals, projects and lists that grew wearisome as the previous year comes to an end. Something about the mere turn of a page in the calendar, and change of a single digit, gives everything a shiny new optimism. For me, it means a reset in business and personal goals. The chance to try some new things, a fresh perspective, or maybe just reworking my approach to the same habits or tools that have worked well in the past. But really, who doesn’t love new things? A blank page or canvas has so much potential and excitement — it’s one of my favorite things.
So, I’m spending a few days of my “holiday break” (that phrase is a bit of a joke when you’re a work-from-home parent) getting organized for the new year and taking advantage of some gift cards I received for Christmas, starting with a new planner and desk organization tools.
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