Currently: March 2018

All of the sudden we’re halfway through March, and I’m finally adjusting to writing ‘2018’ on my daily agenda! A lot has happened since the start of the new year — some days feel so slow, but it’s really going by way too fast. As I write this, I’m enjoying a quiet cup of coffee as the children sleep in (so rare!!), watching the sun rise from the window in my kitchen. I crave these quiet moments, and they are so hard to find with three young children and a busy schedule, but that makes them even more precious. I have always thought of myself as a morning person, but DH pointed out recently that I work best in the morning when alone. I guess to really be a morning person, you have to be cheerful to everyone else who woke you up? Right…. I’ll work on that.
In the meantime, here’s a quick update on the latest and greatest.
Katie Herzig Noisetrade exclusive: Moment of Bliss singles + Walk Through Walls
I was introduced to the music of Katie Herzig several years ago through the Ten out of Tenn tour, and have really enjoyed following her musical path (along with other artists from this group). Her sound is catchy and soothing at the same time. A great mix for listening to while I work, exercise or just chilling. Also, I find about 90% of the music I listen to through Noisetrade. It is a fantastic platform for discovering and supporting new artists!
Do More Better by Tim Challies
This is just one of the several books on my nightstand/Kindle right now, but it’s the one that seems to be having the most impact. It’s a short read with lots of good advice about the why and wherefore of what we do on a daily basis, and tips for doing it better. This is something I’ve been latching on to lately since I’ve had such a full plate (and a full heart) — but don’t want to shortchange the various commitments I have in my life right now. Challies offers both theological clarification and practical application tips for focusing on priorities, defining tasks, and being the most productive with our God-given roles and abilities. I’ve also got some brain candy on the Kindle right now, including some faerie tales (I’m a sucker for fantasy): A Kingdom of Exiles by S.B. Nova.
Midwinter Beach Trip
We made the 18+ hour drive to Ormond Beach, Florida, for a weekend with my husband’s family there. My sister and niece came along as well to celebrate her first birthday and enjoy some much-needed catch-up time. It was a nice break from reality to enjoy time with the children and soak up some sunshine and waves in the middle of winter back home. It was lovely (aside from the neverending drive) but too short! Next time we’ll stay longer. The icing on the cake was my mother deciding to make the drive back with us and stay on for a few days. The last time she was up her was right after Reagan was born, and these extra days just enjoying her company were precious.
Spring Capsule Wardrobe!
Post coming soon. I started dreaming about spring styles back in January (who can blame me in the middle of a cold gray winter!) and these looks are finally coming into play in my closet as the weather warms up. Spring is slow coming in northern Indiana, until it suddenly decides to arrive in a blaze of glory, so I have no problem jumpstarting the balmy temps with my pretty florals and earthy pastels… especially after our trip south in February where spring was in full bloom!
Master Bathroom Remodel
DH and I are finally biting the bullet and investing in some updates to our master bathroom. Although the bathroom is functional as it is, it could definitely benefit from some cosmetic upgrades that will also help with resale value in the long run. It also happens to be out 10-year wedding anniversary in August, so I’ve convinced him this is a great way to celebrate… and what better way to say I Love You than a brand-new tiled walk-in shower? I’m loving the wood tile look right now (would love to re-do the kitchen with these, too) and I’ve found some great prices with BuildDirect. We are still researching contractors and pricing out the whole project, but I’ll be posting a style board soon and excited to see where this takes us!
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