Lately: September 2016

Reading: More of my favorite: Grace Livingston Hill, currently Bright Arrows. Hopping between that and The Good Life for Less by Amy Clark Jones. I recently stumbled across Amy’s blog through yet another capsule wardrobe search, and was delighted to discover that she is local (lives in South Bend) and has written this neat book about creating a budget-friendly lifestyle for families. Watching: Dr. Thorne. I love anything Masterpiece Theatre, especially by Julian Fellows (director/producer of Downtown Abbey). My attention is always captured by historical romance. I still have the second season of Outlander (Starz) on my watch list ch after the first season inspired me to read the first 5 books! Just waiting for the right time to try a free Starz subscription on…

Pregnancy, Round 3

Since I did this kind of post when I was pregnant with Moira, I figured it would be a worthwhile comparison for pregnancy #3. As before, there have been similarities and differences… every pregnancy is wonderful and unique. I feel very blessed to have experienced it 3 times thus far, with minimal discomfort and plenty of happy anticipation! What’s Been Different… The Test: I got several false negatives before I finally got a positive result on a home pregnancy test! And this was heading into St. Patrick’s Day weekend in an Irish family, so this little lady got an early taste of beer during her first few days of life… The Beginning: First trimester was horrible. With McBaby #1, I had mild queasiness, in the morning, but that…

The Season for Slowing Down

Reagan is my second “holiday baby” (born during the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas) and there really isn’t a better time of year to have a newborn. Work and school schedules tend to be winding down as the year comes to a close, family and friends are gathering near, and a general feeling of wellbeing seems to persist during this special time of year. Celebrating the arrival of a new child is especially precious as we mark the season of Advent and rejoice in remembering the birth of the Christ child. But when you’re so used to running at top speed, trying to get as much accomplished in every single day as humanly possible–parenting, freelance work, housekeeping–the addition of another little life to care for…

Getting Organized for 2018

I love the start of a new year…. a fresh look on all the goals, projects and lists that grew wearisome as the previous year comes to an end. Something about the mere turn of a page in the calendar, and change of a single digit, gives everything a shiny new optimism. For me, it means a reset in business and personal goals. The chance to try some new things, a fresh perspective, or maybe just reworking my approach to the same habits or tools that have worked well in the past. But really, who doesn’t love new things? A blank page or canvas has so much potential and excitement — it’s one of my favorite things. So, I’m spending a few days of my…