Living Coral in Real Life

Pantone’s annual “color of the year” has been assigned: Living Coral. A salmony shade of pink that is not really one of my favorite colors to wear. In fact, in a recent closet clean-out, I eliminated this hue completely from my wardrobe after determining it didn’t suit my coloring! But I’m starting to wonder if I can be reconvinced… I guess it all depends on how it’s used and what you pair it with. I do like a pop of color every now and then, so the different home decor elements and accessories or jewelry are more appealing ways to implement the color in my lifestyle. So as a fun color experiment, I’ve collected a few items from my favorite online shops to showcase how…

Currently: January 2019

Reading: Thorn in My Heart by Liz Curtis Higgs I actually won a free copy of this book through a random drawing at our local library over the summer. I’ve tried to start it a couple times but keep getting distracted, primarily, I’ll admit, due to the fact that it’s a hardcopy book and not on my Kindle app! *shame* I do so much on my phone or laptop these days, it’s actually harder to sit down and read a book, especially in the evening when I typically fall asleep with iPhone in hand. *double shame* So, this one has been a slow start, but I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s basically a re-telling of the Jacob and Esau story set in 18th century…

Looking Forward: 2019

Rather than concrete resolutions, I’ve picked a “Word of the Year” for the last couple years to help direct my intentions and vision for the how I want to approach life in the coming months. This year, I was having a hard time settling on a word. So… I used a quiz (cue eye-rolling). A bit of a cop out, maybe, but I think it identified exactly what I needed to focus on. I even took the quiz multiple times to see how slightly different answers would give me different words. The one it seemed to settle on was: I would NOT have come up with that on my own. Which is probably why it fits perfectly. If you read my last post, you may…

2018 Year In Review

It basically feels like the last month of 2018 didn’t happen, December was such a blur. Maybe it’s the build-up to Christmas, especially with young children, that makes it feels like such a whirlwind, because I’m looking back and wishing we could have added a week or two to the season! Just to slow down and savor the moments. There were many special ones to remember, and probably a few that I missed, but I’m taking stock now so that I will be more conscious of enjoying them more fully in the future. 2018 was a year of much joy, much change and growth — even though it may not have felt that way at the time. I think of it as “the year of…

All the Updates

Life has been so busy lately, I haven’t had much time to focus on writing posts — so an update is needed! Lots has happened since the summer (time has flown by) and we are mostly settled into a routine of preschool and weekend activities. DH is at Costco now with the older two, and I’m home with Reagan, cleaning, sorting, purging… which leads to my updates. Here’s what I’m focusing on these days! Whole House Purge We’ve been in this house 5 years now, and added two children to the mix, and our STUFF has accumulated. I’ve been feeling more and more anxious lately about keeping things neat and tidy (I don’t mind a little untidiness, but I hate feeling like the mess is…