Maeve’s Birth Story

There’s nothing quite like childbirth to remind us of God’s sovereignty and providence. With each of my children, the days leading up to their births have been uncertain. We spend so much time trying to be in control of things, but birth is one of the many things in life that can rarely be controlled. God is always in control, andI prayed for God’s timing. And God always answers prayers. The Beginning I cried when I found out I was pregnant again. Not out of joy… out of fear and uncertainty. My first three children hadn’t brought this sense of apprehension, what was different with this one? We had talked about having more children, but somehow the idea of parenting FOUR seemed like more than…

New Year Planning

The Christmas season went by so quickly that now, 11 days into the new year, I’m finally starting to feel like I have a handle on things again. From November to January is quite a rush, with multiple family birthdays and holidays stuffed in there, and I love getting caught up in the excitement, but it can be exhausting as well! Thankfully, at 29+ weeks pregnant, the nesting phase has begun and it coincides with the New Year tradition of fresh starts and resolutions. I haven’t made a list of resolutions, rather my Word of the Year sums up some of the overarching goals, but there are a few things I’m working on already for 2020 that I suspect will keep me busy for the…

2020 Word of the Year

Welcome to the new year! Just like last year, I needed some help selecting my “Word of the Year”. This quiz from Dayspring is a fantastic resource for those seeking a word of faith that will fill the year with a purpose for growing closer to God. The word selected for me last year was DELIGHT and it was a perfect fit. I was encouraged to find delight in the Lord and His Word in all the little moments of motherhood, work, and just the trenches of life. It’s not something I would have come up with myself, and I discovered some new favorite passages of Scripture that feature this special word. This year’s word is just as unique and, again, not something I would…

Christmas in Review

Yes, as a child, the days leading up to Christmas seemed to drag by, even filled with seasonal activities, school parties and holiday preparations. As an adult (and a parent!), the weeks after Thanksgiving fly by in a blink! The decorating, gift seeking and wrapping, cooking, baking and more fill the hours to the brim until the big day arrives in a frenzy of unwrapped presents and special once-a-year indulgences. And boy, is it fun. Even more fun now as my young children begin to comprehend the meaning of the season — both the spiritual and the commercial — and it is a joy to see the wonder in their eyes. Making the connection from the little gifts to the greatest Gift is a lifelong…

Currently: November 2019

It’s been almost half a year since my last ‘Currently’ post but the hiatus was somewhat justified. Our summer was busy with travel and seasonal activities, and in July we found out that McCarthy baby #4 was on the way! The weeks that ensued were a blur of nausea and fatigue (by far the worst of all my pregnancies), and it felt like it took forever to get through the first trimester, waking up each day to queasiness and exhaustion — it’s harder to push through with three young children in tow! But we survived, thanks in great part to my dedicated and helpful husband, and at 20 weeks I’m grateful to be feeling back to my normal self. This past week’s ultrasound revealed a…