New Year Planning

The Christmas season went by so quickly that now, 11 days into the new year, I’m finally starting to feel like I have a handle on things again. From November to January is quite a rush, with multiple family birthdays and holidays stuffed in there, and I love getting caught up in the excitement, but it can be exhausting as well!
Thankfully, at 29+ weeks pregnant, the nesting phase has begun and it coincides with the New Year tradition of fresh starts and resolutions. I haven’t made a list of resolutions, rather my Word of the Year sums up some of the overarching goals, but there are a few things I’m working on already for 2020 that I suspect will keep me busy for the next several months!
(decorating + organizing…obviously)
Master Bath Update
There are several projects around the house that I’d like to get to this year, and I started with a mini Master Bath update which included the purchase of some new shelving units to help streamline and organize our bathroom clutter. Getting a Target gift card for Christmas definitely helped this plan along and they were on sale when I purchased them! And I even built both shelves all by myself (*pat on the back*). The dark wicker baskets were repurposed from around the house and I like how the white feels cleaner than the mismatched cabinets in the ‘before’ photo. That gray cabinet is now around the corner in the shower/commode room. Overall, I’m pleased with the update and glad to check that off my list!

Master Bedroom Linens
I’ve been eyeing the curtains in our bedroom pretty much since we moved in — they’ve never been quite right, hung at the wrong height, not quite long enough, etc. While perusing the post-Christmas sales at, I spotted an incredible deal on a set of not two but FOUR curtain panels for $39.99 and I had to go for it! The 96″ semi-sheer silvery curtain panels are a perfect fit for our high ceilings, especially after I installed the curtain rods at the correct height: several inches above the window frames to emphasize the height of the room. I love the new look! Especially with this Nicole Miller duvet set I also found at T.J. — a light paisley pattern that coordinates nicely with the blue walls and sage green headboard. Waiting on some new accent pillows to arrive today!

Other decor-nizing updates include a Laundry Room Makeover and some office updates, including painting my desk and changing out hardware. Will try to post updates as I get to these!
Healthy Habits
I’ve never been very good at wholesale lifestyle changes starting January 1 — I need slower, more consistent changes over time that will develop into healthy habits. One of those habits I’ve been working on is drinking more water! I tend to start my day with coffee (black) which is a DEhyradator, and that doesn’t set a great trend for the rest of the day. I’ve set my goal at 75 ounces per day and found myself a nifty new tool to help me achieve that: a new water tumbler!
I prefer to drink my water ice-cold, and this steel tumbler and straw set has been the perfect way to keep cold water at hand throughout the day. This 20-oz tumbler from Amazon was a great deal since it includes 2 steel straws and a cleaning brush! I’ve been using it pretty much every day for the last two weeks and easily reaching my new water drinking goals.
It doesn’t hurt that this new water tumbler matches the fun turquoise and gold Kate Spade collection pieces I got for Christmas!

I also dug out my old FitBit, which had been dead for almost 2 years, and charged it up to start tracking my steps. I’m not into a good fitness routine right now (and I’m mostly OK with that… hate working out), but that doesn’t mean I want to be a sloth. 10,000 steps per day is my goal and it’s actually a little easier than I thought it would be to accomplish — as long as I step away from work or other activities for 15-20 minutes each day for a walk, preferably outdoors.
Healthy Home

I’ve spent the last couple years ‘de-toxifying’ various substances around the house, including my own health and beauty products, from makeup to shampoo/conditioner and moisturizer, to cleaning products and general use materials around the house. This year, I kicked off the detox with switching out some daily use items in the kitchen, including a new set of lightweight dishes to replace the plastic dishware I’d been using for the children and the heavier dishes we’ve had since our wedding registry days (over a decade ago!), several of which had broken over the years. I LOVE how thin and lightweight these are, taking up much less space in the cupboards, they are quite sturdy and reasonably priced.

I’ve also replaced several plastic Tupperware items with glass Pyrex contains for food storage. Even when using BPA-free plastic, storing (and especially reheating) food in plastic releases toxic chemicals that we’re just better off avoiding if possible. Glass is also better for the environment.
“The glass is overall safer for food storage than plastic. Chemicals from plastic containers may migrate from the plastic into your food. This commonly occurs when hot food is put into a plastic or during microwave heating.
Glass food storage containers don’t leach unwanted, poisonous chemicals in contact with food. Glass is an inert and non-porous natural material. Glass containers are free from any leakage and safe for using over and over again.”

Additionally, we’ve replaced disposable plastic sandwich and snack baggies with food-safe silicone reuseable bags for the children’s lunch boxes. While these are not intended for hot foods, and definitely not for microwave or dishwasher use, they are perfect for sending cold sandwiches and dry goods/snacks to school on a daily basis, and easily wash up with a quick spritz in the sink.
I’m constantly researching new family-friendly, nontoxic items to incorporate into our home routines — from all-natural candles and sustainably made decor items to nontoxic cleaning supplies or hacks — so if you have any suggestions, feel free to share!
This seems like a short list, but they’re changes I’ve been contemplating for a little while and I’m glad to have started the new year with small changes that will hopefully have a big impact!
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