New Every Morning

January 1st came and went. It’s the start of a new year, and I am SO not ready for it. Christmas was a whirlwind of tissue paper, toys, travel and not a few tears (not necessarily in that order). We left our house in Indiana at 3am the day after Christmas to catch an early morning flight in Chicago, landing in Atlanta around 9am, and filling the next few days with family fun, including a memorable visit to the Southeastern Railway Museum (Cormac was thrilled!). We arrived back home late Friday night with my mother in tow, and spent New Year’s Eve at a wedding. And then, all of the sudden, it’s 2017. In years past, I’ve had a list of goals, resolutions, anti-resolutions, statements…

Christmas Card Photo Outtakes

Because even the shots that don’t make it on the Christmas card are still worth sharing… 😉 These were taken on Cormac’s 3rd birthday — a Tuesday, late afternoon after naptime, it was chilly but not too cold, no snow on the ground yet and the light was perfect. I dragged these two outside and forced a photo shoot that gave me just enough good shots to create our Christmas cards. I figured it was easier to shoot two than try to get all four of us in a photo with the remote shutter release like last year’s snow shot… but maybe I’ll try that again next year. I love looking through the “in between” shots that show their personalities. Cormac was being such a sweet…

Why I Listen to Christmas Music Before Thanksgiving

It’s one of those things that has come along with the commercialization of the Advent season… the decorations spew forth, the gaudy tunes stream out in every marketplace, the red Starbucks cups appear, and all of the sudden it feels like Christmas. My gut reaction in years past has been to resist. It’s too much, too soon! They just want me to buy stuff! And yeah, that’s part of it. But that doesn’t have to be the bottom line. We know Christmas is about more than just what the stores and marketers make of it. It’s about more than shopping and eating and watching those cheesy Hallmark movies on Lifetime (which I love, by the way). It’s about celebrating the birth of our King. Can…

Late Fall/Early Winter 10×10

This post is all about two things I’ve probably spent way too much time on lately… capsule wardrobes and ThredUp. The concept of a capsule wardrobe is a little bit deceiving. You think that by having fewer clothes you have to think less about what you wear. But really, there’s a fair amount of time that goes into concocting new outfits from your existing pieces, Pinteresting for style ideas and even ongoing closet clean-outs and wardrobe adjustments that happen as seasons, styles or fit changes. Theoretically, it’s less time than previously spent shopping and figuring out what to wear. But time nonetheless. I guess the good thing is that I enjoy that time spent styling, researching and re-styling my wardrobe. It’s relaxing. My life is…

Fall 2016 Capsule Wardrobe

My last capsule wardrobe was during the 4-6 final weeks of my pregnancy with Moira when it was pretty easy to limit my clothing choices to the smaller number of items that still fit. That was actually, technically my first capsule wardrobe. I’ve been intrigued by the concept for a long time — pinning and researching other people’s wardrobes, but never quite ready to commit. I was never ready to follow all “the rules” required by a minimalist/capsule wardrobe. Like 25 pieces ONLY, or a set palette of black, white, and gray (example only). I don’t wear ALL the colors of the rainbow, but I love a good splash of color or fun pattern that may not match with everything else in my wardrobe. And…