Epiphany at Epiphany

The hallway feels bereft without a festive tree, our whole house somehow dimmer without the light from its branches. The Light has not…

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2023 Words to Live By

It’s another new year (this keeps happening!) and I’ve finally selected a focus word for my devotional and prayer life… or rather, several…

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A Helpful Reminder

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God…

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Child Rearing Resources

Lately, I’ve had a few conversations and inquiries about the joy-filled challenge (and I’m not being facetious) of raising children. In this post-modern…

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She Knows Her Worth

Do you ever start to feel completely crushed by all of your responsibilities? Overwhelmed by the never-ending list of to-dos and repetitive tasks…

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New Year Planning

The Christmas season went by so quickly that now, 11 days into the new year, I’m finally starting to feel like I have…

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