Summer Dining

After several weeks spent not wanting to cook dinner at all (thanks, all-day morning sickness), I’m finally back in the swing of things and enjoying the benefits of fresh summer veggies, outdoor dining, and cooking on the grill.
Since summer is prime time for fresh fruits and veggies, I try to incorporate these into every meal. We’ve been loving berries of all types (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries…all the berries!!), as well as fresh corn and tomatoes. Plenty of both around here! My favorite meals include a grilled meat, steamed veggie and grilled or roasted starch/carb. These meals are simple to prepare, relatively quick to cook (under 30 minutes), and healthy, too. We’ve also done pizza on the grill, which was a fun test — the dough still needs some work, though.
Here are some shots of recent favorites…
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