Christmas in July

December is pretty much on my mind all the time these days. Why, you ask? Well, it’s not because I just can’t wait for snow and presents and the celebration of Christ’s birth (although these are all wonderful things and I am looking forward to them). It’s because DH and I are expecting an extra special holiday delivery right around December 4. Yep, we’re expecting a bouncing baby boy!

Last Thursday at my 20-week appointment, we found out our little “it” is a “he” and we are thrilled for this new addition to the clan. I can’t wait to meet him! As one might imagine, the last few weeks have been full of excitement, announcements, planning and prayer. Being pregnant is pretty nerve-wracking! So many things to be anxious about… especially when I realized that the things to worry about pretty much never stop! Even once the baby is born, there’s all kinds of things to mull over: will he get sick? will he grow properly? will he do well in school? will he make friends? will he be successful? The list could go on. Parenting is a big job — in more ways than one.

But I’ve also realized that my puny little anxiety is not going to make a smidgen of difference in the grand scheme of things (except as negative impact on myself and those around me). I am learning to trust more and more in God’s Providence and His plan for me, my family and my unborn son. God’s plan is greater and more perfect than any idealistic life I could dream of for the future. I am grateful that He is using this pregnancy to teach me that, and I foresee parenting as being an even more intense version of this lesson.

Amongst all the pregnancy and newborn care books that are currently littering my nightstand/Kindle, I still haven’t been able to put down the writings of my new favorite Grace Livingston Hill. Currently, I’m reading A Daily Rate. The moral of this book has been particularly poignant as I learn to cast my worries at the cross and trust God’s faithfulness to His promises. Hill utilizes a somewhat obscure verse in 2 Kings as the backbone of her story:

“Day by day the king gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived.” 2 King 25:30

The characters in the story are learning to daily rely on the Lord’s provision, rather than worrying for the days, weeks or months ahead. Daily we are called to take up our cross and follow Him. But no more than that. Christ does not ask us to worry for tomorrow when we take on His yoke (Matt. 6:34, Matt. 11:29), but promises that if we seek His will first, He will provide for the rest. 

This is such an important reminder over the next 5 months (and beyond)! If you haven’t picked up a copy of anything by Grace Livingston Hill (she’s written hundreds of books and every single one I’ve read has been great), I would encourage you to do so today!

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