Holy Days

Each day was created by God with purpose and intent — with each rising of the sun, a new phenomenon was accomplished and with its setting proclaimed “good”. And on the seventh day, God rested, proclaiming that day not only a pause but a completion of work, a Sabbath. In the Ten Commandments, He tells us to honor this day and in it to do no work. We know that the seventh day, even according to the Old Testament calendar, was a Saturday. After the onset of the new covenant in Christ, however, and based in His resurrection on the 1st day of the week, the early Christian church gathered together on Sundays to worship and break bread in Christ’s name.
Attending church on Sunday has been a part of my upbringing; it was a constant I am grateful to have had… and intend to keep for the rest of my life. That being said, visiting and researching churches has been an interesting process. For the past two years, I have attended a variety of churches where worshipers attend in everything from denim and button-downs to leisure suits and tennis shoes. There are others, like me, who wear their “Sunday best” to worship the King of kings, but it perplexes me that this is no longer the standard. We have recently been attending a church where the mostly traditional “liturgy” include the singing of time-honored hymns and this is something I cherish.
We are to worship, honor and commune with God every day of the week, as is fitting to a personal relationship our Lord and Master. But our worship with Him on Sunday must be different. Not because we think it ought to be, but because He has said so. He has set apart this day (not us); He has given us the principles by which we are to honor, revere and worships Him. Though we cannot offer perfection, we must in good faith do as He has commanded and fall down at His mercy seat in Christ’s name for all the rest.
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