Currently: April 2017

Feeling: Refreshed after an enjoyable spring break spent in Georgia with family. The children handled the 11-hour drive well (both ways!) and I got to visit with some folks I haven’t seen in a while. And we all seem to be finally recovered from the longest cold/cough ever, AND spring seems to have made its way to Indiana. Win-win-win! Listening/Watching: Many Beautiful Things documentary about the artist and missionary Lilias Trotter, with music composed by one of my absolute favorite musicians Sleeping at Last. The story of Lilias’s life accompanied by gorgeous music is so beautiful to savor and enjoy. Accomplishing: As much as I can. There’s always a catch-up period after vacation, so I’ll be doing double-duty (read: late night work hours) to make sure…

Learning To Say No (and getting over FOMO)

This phrase has been on my mind a lot lately. And specifically how it applies to my roles as wife, mother, business owner, artist (the list goes on). As we grow older and discover our talents and preferences, opportunities abound. And for many, many years, it was in my best interest to pursue as many as I could! Making new friends, joining new clubs, trying a different sport, accepting challenging jobs, traveling to new cities and foreign countries…. why say NO? These opportunities turn into wonderful, unforgettable experiences. Saying YES has some incredible benefits. But, somewhere along the way, it got harder and harder to say no. Saying yes became the default for me and, if you know my personality, that’s not a good thing. I…

Am I There Yet?

When I was young (like, elementary school young), being in my thirties sound so old. Practically middle aged. Only parents are in their thirties. Being in your thirties means you’re really an ADULT. An old fuddy-duddy. Until a certain point, in your late teens maybe, when “your thirties” take on a sort of futuristic glamour. In my thirties, I’ll be settled, secure, stylish, confident. All the magazines say so. Oh, and rich. Definitely rich. The teenage years are for angst; your twenties for exploring and self-expression. But the thirties… by then, you’ll have everything figured out. Right?Reality check: I turned 30 six months ago. And I keep asking myself: have I hit those magical “thirties” yet? I think if I have to ask, then the answer…

Midwinter Poetry

Janus Fog lies thick over sodden ground —a curtain of winter whites —drawn close around the barren trees,muffling would-be sound and sightof a gray January morning. The year is new. The light yet dim.Starlings fly in figure eightamidst the sunken clouds,foreboding well a coming weight,still hidden hopes to bring. A haze of sorts congests the heart,not yet awake to hear the call.Heavy clouds fill hollow wells, ’til full,in a sullen sleep that buries all,sifting word and thought and dream. A sudden wind, a lifted weight –mysterious – this lightened load, unbidden.The murky mists begin to drift,light burns clear that lifeless hold, forgiven,as burning off old winter’s dross. Until, at last, the Sun breaks through.

Fav Mom Gifts

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, Christmas as an adult is different. Especially when you have children of your own. The focus shifts, it’s definitely not about the presents (whether it was before or not) and wish lists become a thing of the past. Oh, sure, we still have them… but does anyone care? That’s a rhetorical question, so don’t answer. But that doesn’t mean that some kind, thoughtful souls don’t take the time and interest to give you the things that are really useful and enjoyable for the mom-wife life. I’m just now taking a few moments to recount the gifts that have already been really helpful to me over the last two weeks and here’s the verdict.  Alex & Ani…