What is a Homemaker?

Well, first of all, it’s the opposite of a “homewrecker”. Does that clarify? (Just kidding. Really). All kidding aside, I realize that this word is no longer as common in modern dialect as it used to be, and thereby my antiquated blog title may require a little context. With the advent of modern feminism, the term “homemaker” tends to come with some negative connotations. Today’s perception of the vintage housewife has one of two approaches: disparaging of the vapid, self-obsessed “Stepford Wife” character; or, alternatively, idolizing of the prim, proper and prepared Mrs. Cleaver of the 1950s era. But both approaches are looking back to a time and an ideal (however right or wrong) that no longer exists. And for that reason alone (if not…

Spring 2018 Capsule Wardrobe

It’s sort of a hobby of mine to design capsule wardrobes and come up with outfits, mixing and matching a limited number of items within a set palette for a particular season. Coordinating colors and styles is a relaxing outlet for my creative brain. And with the minimalism/capsule wardrobe craze of recent years, there’s plenty of inspiration to go around! Some of my favorite wardrobe references are bloggers: puttingmetogether.com, classyyettrendy.com, livinginyellow.com. I started thinking about these dreamy florals and earthy pastels back in January, and starting filling my ThredUp shopping cart then, too. A couple of these pieces were already part of my closet, but several needed refreshers, like the olive skinny pants and distressed jeans — items that I’ve found since I put together…

Currently: March 2018

All of the sudden we’re halfway through March, and I’m finally adjusting to writing ‘2018’ on my daily agenda! A lot has happened since the start of the new year — some days feel so slow, but it’s really going by way too fast. As I write this, I’m enjoying a quiet cup of coffee as the children sleep in (so rare!!), watching the sun rise from the window in my kitchen. I crave these quiet moments, and they are so hard to find with three young children and a busy schedule, but that makes them even more precious. I have always thought of myself as a morning person, but DH pointed out recently that I work best in the morning when alone. I guess…

2018 Word of the Year

In lieu of resolutions for 2018, I’m again choosing a focus word to help ground my highest dreams and infuse my intentions with a more complete sense of purpose. I followed this process to select my word, and came up with several other options first, but kept coming back to GRACE. I felt like it might be too cliche or overdone; but I think I kept coming back to it because it may be overdone for other people, but it’s probably the exact focal point I need right now. Grace has so many connotations. It is both a noun and a verb, and it holds a wealth of meaning for those who trust in Christ. I wanted this to be my word of the year not…

Life with More

It’s a Saturday. The house is somewhat clean, the dishes are done, the baby is napping (the other two are running errands with dad), my work to-do list looks manageable, I just pulled cookies out of the oven, and I’m feeling pretty accomplished. Like maybe I’m getting the hang of this mom-of-three thing for a minute. Don’t blink, the moment won’t last. And I say that with humor because, Murphy’s Law, something is bound to go wrong. Reagan is now six weeks old and I can say with confidence that adjusting to baby #3 is a lot easier than baby #1. Even with two older children to care for, the veteran mom knowledge really makes a difference. By 6 weeks with Cormac, I was in…