
Two, Too Wonderful

My little Moira is 6 months old today, and I suppose that warrants an update. The last 6 months have been wonderfully busy as we’ve learned to operate as a…

Putting on My Face

As a work-from-home mom, not every day requires dressing up and “putting on my face” (i.e. makeup). But most days, I try to put myself together even if I’m not…

Magnificat for Moira

Every once in a while, I feel inspired enough to write poetry. It hasn’t been much lately (my creative inspiration goes to other worthy outlets), but after Moira was born,…

Moira Kenley

Moira’s naming process started out very similar to Cormac’s. We started bouncing around picks from the moment I knew I was pregnant, but didn’t get serious until around 23 weeks…

Moira’s Birth Story

Moira is 4 weeks old today! What a surprise that she decided to make an appearance over two weeks early, although I guess I can say now that it’s a…


So excited and still a little surprised to introduce our little early bird, born 2 weeks ahead of schedule! She is a pretty happy little lady so far, a good…