Toes in the Sand
Whew! Is January really almost over? This is the first time in recent history that I haven’t spent January fawning over my list of New Year’s Resolutions, and I have to admit it’s not half bad. Not that I don’t have plenty of goals and big intentions for 2015 — but it seems I’m more likely to accomplish them if I just get down to it, rather than taking the time to write a list.
In the meantime, it’s been a busy month filled with exciting new projects, a bachelorette party blow-out, and visits with family in the South. Here is one of my favorite photos from our visit to Ormond Beach, Florida, where Cormac experience his first taste of sand and salt water. He loved it and I’m looking forward to another trip down during the summer months!

We also spent a couple days in Georgia with my parents, enjoying the comparatively warm “winter” weather (I was wearing flip-flops… guess the Midwest is rubbing off on me!) and giggling at Cormac’s antics. It was thrilling to see how quickly he recognized his grandparents just from regular Facetime chats. I’m so thankful for the technological advances that allow us to stay connected, even over long distances.
Our road trip also included a special bachelorette party in the mountains for my baby sister who is getting married in March. This was my first visit to the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area in Tennessee and it was a trip! Definitely lots of touristy stuff to do in the middle of the mountains, which I really didn’t expect. We had a rousing time celebrating the bride, and I can’t wait for the big day in March! Family weddings are simply the best.
And now we’re back home, settling into the routine again, and looking forward to warmer days with visions of beaches in our heads…
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