Everything in its place…

I don’t consider myself a “type A” person (although I can’t vouch for the opinions of anyone else who knows me) and I can certainly be messy in my own right….. but I do occasionally feel the urge to organize and deep clean. This weekend happened to be one of those magical times. I’m sure it had something to do with the changing seasons and the need to start switching out my Summer shorts for Fall cardigans (yes, I switch out my clothes every 6 months; a habit probably acquired from owning two sets of clothing separated by my time in college going between Georgia and Michigan climates…you really don’t need too many heavy coats during a GA winter). So, this weekend, I undertook the task of cleaning/organizing the closet I share with DH and making the wardrobe switch-a-roo.

Here’s some before shots (it’s bad, I know….but necessary for the sake of the post):

I knew this project would require more organizational helpers (boxes, etc.) than I had hanging around the house, so I gave myself a $100 budget to work with. With that and some measurements of my available space and a prepared wishlist from their online store, I headed to our local Container Store. [I pre-shopped online because I wanted to know the exact measurements of the products beforehand…. measuring in the store doesn’t always work so well]. I came out armed with plastic and canvas containers to rein in my clothing nightmare:
If you’re looking for a cheap solution, I would not recommend Container Store, they can be a tad pricey. I usually prefer to keep my costs low, but in the interest of a quick fix I was OK with the price-tag for these items…. this time. I did manage to stay within my budget, though, topping out at $99.09!

The entire process of shopping, organizing, etc., took me an entire afternoon…. so about 5 hours. But it was a fun time! I put some music on and enjoyed the process of going through my clothes, sorting into three piles: “Keep”, “Give Away”, “Throw Away”. DH even joined in to help! We ended up with three full bags of clothing/shoes, etc. to donate. I know that economizing my wardrobe will make putting together outfits a little easier (not so many options!), and it keeps me aware of what I own so I don’t buy something similar to what I already have. Here are some more great tips from one of my favorite blogs if you’re interested in culling your clothing: Young House Love.

So, after all that, here’s the end result!

It may be a tad difficult to see the difference since framing the shots in such a tiny space was a project in and of itself! But I’m enamored with the end results. Everything feels much more contained and organized. I especially love the canvas bins. They are labeled according to the contents and (currently) everything in them is nice, neat and folded. But, if I end up throwing things in a little messy at least they’ll be hidden from view! I even managed to give DH some more space for his shoes (although my collection is clearly larger), after freeing up some shelf space. The upper shelf on the left contains bins of out-of-season clothing and extra bedding. There’s even a little room left for future accumulations on the other upper shelf! Imagine that.

So, there it is. One-day closet makeover! Let’s hope it stays nice and neat from now on. 🙂


  1. Go quickly and tell


    love the before and after photos… you're braver than I 😉

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