2022 Word of the Year

Here we are again, almost inexplicably, at the beginning of another year. It’s the expected and routine, yet a miracle in itself. Our long-established 12-month calendar begins anew, resets at the turn of every year in these anni Domini. Because it truly is a gift from our Lord Himself that we are given each day anew to begin again, each orderly 7-day week that resets with a Sabbath. These passing hours seem to take on, even more so lately, a tone of “the last days”, and so we carry on in the mundane with hopeful anticipation. As in years past, I’m selecting a ‘Word of the Year’ to help guide my devotions, prayers and daily activities. Each year, as Advent comes to a close, I…

A Helpful Reminder

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 From an old English parsonage down by the seaThere came in the twilight a message to me;Its quaint Saxon legend, deeply engraven,Hath, it seems to me, teaching from Heaven.And on through the doors the quiet words ringLike a low inspiration: “DO THE NEXT THING.” Many a questioning, many a fear,Many a doubt, hath its quieting here.Moment by moment, let down from Heaven,Time, opportunity, and guidance are given.Fear not tomorrows, child of the King,Trust them with Jesus, do the next thing Do it immediately, do it with prayer;Do it reliantly, casting all care;Do it with reverence, tracing His…

Child Rearing Resources

Lately, I’ve had a few conversations and inquiries about the joy-filled challenge (and I’m not being facetious) of raising children. In this post-modern parenting world, the influx of input from various sources is overwhelming… and, from my limited experience, mostly unnecessary. Admittedly, I am still a young parent (my oldest is almost 8), but the early years, from infancy through toddlerhood to early childhood, provide a steep learning curve of educational experiences. That being said, one of my most reliable and consistent resources is my own mother (and her mother), and their wealth of wisdom is still completely relevant and effective, regardless of generational differences. As Scripture confirms, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc. 1:9), not even children (especially children). So, the world…

Life Lately: August 2021

It’s been a busy summer. And now, here we are at the end of it, starting a new school year. I’m trying to collect my thoughts and remember all that we’ve done so far this year! Summer tends to be a whirlwind, and I’ve never felt that 7 weeks in the whole year went by faster, especially with young children. We did not do as many outings as in years past, but we did make it to some local splash pads and playgrounds, the zoo, the library several times, and met up with friends a few times. We spent lots of time at the grandparents’ pool and had fun mornings at day camp (all 4 children attended a half-day camp at their preschool). Even with…